Retaining Walls

Flex Shell Architecture focuses first on using a new durable material for properly integrating foundational elements, including a solid, bare-bones version of the finished building. Instead of carving away and radically disrupting and destabilizing the natural terrain, drainage, and topsoil (by digging out a hillside and then using that loose material that was dug out to make level pads for yards and buildings), the Flex-Shell approach encourages carefully placed retaining walls to terrace in the level areas then terrace in the natural drainage so the building environment is actually stabilized and improved by periodic flooding instead of deteriorated.

Controlling the runoff in this way naturally creates garden terracing. Runoff is pooled in a series of stabilized gardens around the building so soil is deposited instead of being carried away. This approach protects all the retaining walls especially the ones that support the flat access and flat living areas from eroding away at the bottom and so provides long term protection of the foundation columns that are planted first, in the natural terrain, before the retaining walls.

Protecting the natural soil and plant fauna by stabilizing topsoil in
this way also helps protect crop gardens that are close to the building.
Native fauna gardens are created by stabilizing the terrain with these
highly-durable thin-shell retaining walls.

This creates many advantages for crops. The native fauna and natural ecosystems provide crop protection by helping conceal the gardens that would otherwise be more exposed to weather extremes and deer; provide pest protection from canopy birds, lizards and such while allowing the soil fauna to be infused with native microorganisms  which provide fitness thru immunity protection that was long developed to be effective and fast adapting to new challenges.
The natural and logical shape of the Core Monolith Pavilion also provides a space for protecting gardens above the awning; roof gardens. Using protected gardens for stabilizing the building environment provides more advantage than just protection from periodic flooding, it also fosters a soil stabilizing ecology that also provides the advantage to the homeowner of having low-maintenance crop gardens that are sheltered; it creates a natural opportunity for greater independence for the home owners.
Flex-shell retaining walls are an ideal and low-cost material that will endure longer than any other retaining wall material while providing the high tensile strength, the stretch resistance, that properly designed retaining walls require.